⁽⁴ᴷ⁾ Paris 2020 Feu d’artifice – Fête Nationale – Tour Eiffel Quatorze Juillet – Bastille – Groupe-F

Dit vuurwerk filmpje is gepubliceerd op 14 juli 2020 bij Webmaster

The live television registration of the fireworks fired by Groupe-F at the Eiffel tower in Paris for the National Day (Bastille Day Quatorze Juillet Fête Nationale ) of France 2020! 🎆😍 I recorded and uploaded it because many asked me if I would go.. i would go.. but it was impossible to go because of the Corona Virus. So this is the second best i could do. I hope i can be there live next year!

#France #14Juillet #feudartifice #pyroworldnl #vuurwerk #fireworks #pyro #bastille #feuerwerk #FuochiDArtificio #fajerwerki #shells #cakes #pyroworld #quatorzejuillet #fetenationale #Paris

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